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        202432日由福州外语外贸学院金融学院及碳经济研究中心主办,Sunway UniversityTaylor's University协办、SCS Publishing承办,在马来西亚召开 第二届金融科技、绿色金融、可持续发展政策、可持续发展目标国际会议。此次会议由学院副院长、中心主任 简逢陞 教授进行会议主旨演讲,碳经济研究中心成员张昀倩老师代表参加。会议同时邀请了来自中国地质大学(北京)、阿德莱德大学、日本高知大学的M. Santosh 教授;台湾亚洲大学创新及循环经济研究所所长 曾明朗 教授;双威大学Arshian Sharif 教授;Lahore Business School - University of LahoreNaveed 副教授作为主讲嘉宾,19名来自国际知名高校的教授及数十名研究机构的研究人员、博士生等,针对金融科技、绿色金融、可持续发展政策和可持续发展目标等领域的相关问题进行广泛而深刻的讨论。




M.Santosh 教授


Ming-Lang Tseng 教授










Professor M. Santosh

China University of Geosciences Professor, School of Earth Sciences and Resources, Journal Center, China .(中国地质大学-北京)

University of Adelaide Professor, Department of Geology, Adelaide, Australia阿德莱德大学(QS89

Kochi University Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Science, Kochi, Japan.

Founding Editor of Gondwana Research as well as the founding Secretary General of the International Association for Gondwana Research.

(中科院Q1 TOP

Editor in chief of Geoscience Frontiers(中科院Q1 TOP

Deputy editor in chief of Ore Geology Reviews(中科院Q1and Geological Journal. (中科院Q4


Professor Arshian Sharif

SUNWAY University Professor, Department of Economics & Finance.


Academic Council Member, M&S Research Hub.

Editor of Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Associate Editor of Energy Policy(中科院Q2 TOP-SSCI

Associate Editor of Sage Open (中科院Q4-SSCI

Guest Editor of Annals of Financial Economics (Scientific World)

Guest Editor of Energy and Build Environment (Elsevier)

Guess Editor at Resources Policy (SSCI) (中科院Q1 TOP



Professor Ming-Lang Tseng(曾明朗)

Chair Prof/ Director, Inst. of Innovation & Circular Economy/ EiC, J. of Industrial & Prod. EngineeringJCR-Q2

Editor of Journal of Cleaner Production(中科院Q1 TOP

Concurrent Professor at Beijing Jiaotong University(北京交通大学)

Chairman of the China Innovation Management Development Association(中国创新管理发展协会理事长)