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MUHAMMAD SADIQ,PhD Accounting, University Utara Malaysia (UUM);Economic Research-EkonomskaI strazivanja(SSCI-Q2)客座主编;Professor, School of Accounting & Finance, Faculty of Business & Law, Taylor’s University Malaysia;


1. Co-Movement of Energy Prices, and Stock Market Return: Environmental Wavelet Nexus of Covid-19 Pandemic from US, Europe, and China - Environmental Science and Pollution Research.

2. Assessing Financial Efficiency, Accounting Quality, IFRS adoption and Corporate Social Responsibility: Environmental Revisited Nexus Form Baking Sector - Environmental Science and Pollution Research.

3. Measuring role of COVID-19 Fear on Public Attention towards Environment and Stock Market Volatility: Evidence from Europe - Environmental Science and Pollution Research.

4. Assessing role of COVID-19 on Public Attention towards Economic and Stock Market Volatility: Global Perspective. Economic Research.

5. The Impact of Green Finance, Economic Development, Renewable Energy Consumption and Corporate Governance on Environmental Quality of Middle Eastern Countries – Global Finance Journal

6. Sadiq, M., Othman, Z, & Keong, O. (2020). A Critical Analysis of Earnings Management Strategies in Politically Influenced Firms. International journal of Intelligent Enterprise

7. Sadiq, M., Pantamee, A., Mohamad, S., & Keong, O. (2021). The Effect of Social and Regulatory forces on Voluntary Restatement of Earnings: Evidence from Nigerian Logistics Firms. International journal of Integrated Supply Management.

8. Sadiq, M., Singh, J., Raza, M., & Mohamad, S. (2020). The impact of environmental, social and governance index on firm value: evidence from Malaysia. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 10(5), 555. 

9. Singh, J., Sadiq, M., & Kaur, K. (2020). Integrating ethical sensitivity through religiosity in accounting education. Accounting, 6(6), 975-982.

10. Othman, Z., Rahim, N., & Sadiq, M. (2020). The Human Dimension as the Core Factor in Dealing with Cyberattacks in Higher Education.

11. Othman, Z., Nordin, M. F. F., & Sadiq, M. (2020). GST fraud prevention to ensure business sustainability: a Malaysian case study. Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies.

12. Kwong, W. C. G., Mohamad, S., Shafie, R. B. & Sadiq, M. (2020). International Financial Reporting Standards and Earnings Management: Comparative Study of Pre-Post Full Convergence of IFRS In Malaysia. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(2), 85-89.

13. Singh, J., Sadiq, M., & Kaur, K. (2019). Integrated Reporting – Challenges, Benefits and the Research Agenda. International journal of innovation, creativity and change, 7(8), 1 - 16.

14. Sadiq, M., Othman, Z., & Keong, O (2019). A Study of Interactive Effects Of Political Influences And Earnings Management on Organizational Performance. Asian Economic and Financial Review, 9(5), 642-653.

15. Sadiq, M., Mohamad, S., & Kwong, W. C. G. (2019). Do CEO Incentives Mediate the Relationship between Political Influences and Financial Reporting Quality?. International Journal of Asian Social Science, 9(3), 276-284.

16. Sadiq, M., Mohamad, S., & Kwong, W. C. G. (2019). Political Connections and Effective Tax Rate: Evidence from Pakistan. Contemporary Dilemmas: Education, Politics and Values, 6 (3).

17. Zandi, G., Sadiq, M., & Mohamad, S. (2019). Big-Four Auditors and Financial Reporting Quality: Evidence from Pakistan. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 7(2), 369-375.

18. Sadiq, M., Shafie, R. (2017). The Quality of Financial Reporting and Its Measurements. International Journal of Economic Perspectives, 11(1), 392 – 401

19. Sadiq, M., Othman, Z. (2017). Earnings Manipulations in Politically Influenced firms. Corporate Ownership and Control, 15(1)


Book Title: The Multiple Perspectives of Corporate Governance: Emerging Concerns

1. Othman, Z, & Sadiq, M., (2019). Ethical frameworks and corporate governance: a malaysian case

2. Othman, Z, & Sadiq, M., (2019). Framing corporate governance theory: the new frontier