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以第一作者或通讯作者,公开发表论文80余篇,其中SCI收录论文45篇,SSCI收录论文15篇,《经济研究》2篇、《Energy Economics》10篇、ESI高被引论文9篇、SCI一区38篇、SCI二区12篇、SSCI一区10篇、TOP期刊论文39篇。


[1]Xu Bin (徐斌). Exploring the effective way of reducing carbon intensity in the heavy industry using a semiparametric econometric approach. Energy, 2022, 123066. SCI一区、TOP期刊、排序2/2、通信作者。

[2]Xu Bin (徐斌). Exploring the spatial distribution of distributed energy in China. Energy Economics, 2022, 105828. SSCI一区、排序1/2。

[3]Xu Bin (徐斌). Assessing the role of environmental regulations in improving energy efficiency and reducing CO2 emissions: Evidence from the logistics industry. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2022, 96, 106831. SSCI一区、排序1/2。

[4]Xu Bin (徐斌). Investigating the Determinants of the Growth of the New Energy Industry: Using Quantile Regression Approach. The Energy Journal, 44(2),1-13. 排序1/2. SSCI二区。

[5]Xu, B., Xu, R. Assessing the carbon intensity of the heavy industry in China: Using a nonparametric econometric model. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2022, 98, 106925. SSCI一区、排序1/2。

[6]Xu, B. (2022). How to Efficiently Reduce the Carbon Intensity of the Heavy Industry in China? Using Quantile Regression Approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(19), 12865. SSCI一区、排序1/1。


[7]Xu Bin (徐斌). Investigating spatial variability of CO2 emissions in heavy industry: Evidence from a geographically weighted regression model. Energy Policy, 2021, 149, 112011. SCI一区、TOP期刊、排序1/2。

[8]Xu Bin (徐斌). How to achieve a low-carbon transition in the heavy industry? A nonlinear perspective. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021, 140, 110708. SCI一区、TOP期刊、排序1/2。

[9]Xu Bin (徐斌). Modeling the impact of energy abundance on economic growth and CO2 emissions by quantile regression: Evidence from China. Energy, 2021, 120416. SCI一区、TOP期刊、排序3/3、通信作者。

[10]Xu Bin (徐斌). Exploring the driving forces of distributed energy resources in China: Using a semiparametric regression model. Energy, 2021, 236, 121452. SCI一区、TOP期刊、排序1/4。

[11]Xu Bin (徐斌). A non-parametric analysis of the driving factors of China's carbon prices. Energy Economics, 2021, 105684. SSCI收录、排序2/2、通信作者。

[12]Xu Bin (徐斌). How to efficiently promote distributed energy resources in China: Using a nonparametric econometric method. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 285, 125420. SCI一区、TOP期刊、排序2/4。


[13]Xu Bin (徐斌). Effective ways to reduce CO2 emissions from China's heavy industry? Evidence from semiparametric regression models. Energy Economics, 2020, 104974. SSCI一区、排序2/2、通信作者。

[14]Xu Bin (徐斌). How does fossil energy abundance affect regional economic growth and environmental pollution? Science of the total environment, 2020, 719, 137503. SCI二区、TOP期刊、排序2/2、通信作者。

[15]Xu Bin (徐斌) How to achieve green growth in China's agricultural sector.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 122770. SCI一区、TOP期刊、排序1/2。

[16]Xu Bin (徐斌). Investigating drivers of CO2 emission in China's heavy industry: A quantile regression analysis. Energy, 2020, 118159. SCI一区、TOP期刊、排序1/2。

[17]Xu Bin (徐斌). Large fluctuations of China's commodity prices: Main sources and heterogeneous effects. International Journal of Finance & Economics. 2020, SSCI一区, DOI.org/10.1002/ijfe.1894. 排序1/2。

[18]徐斌. 研发投入、碳强度与区域二氧化碳排放.《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》,2020, 260(7):70-84. 人大复印资料全文转载(2020年11月)。排序2/2.


[19]徐斌、陈宇芳、沈小波.清洁能源发展、二氧化碳减排与区域经济增长[J]. 经济研究, 2019, (7):188-202,中文A刊。

[20]Xu Bin (徐斌). Can expanding natural gas consumption reduce China's CO2 emissions? Energy Economics, 2019, 81:393-407. SSCI一区、TOP期刊、排序1/2。

[21]Xu Bin (徐斌). How to effectively stabilize China's commodity price fluctuations? Energy Economics, 2019, 84:104544. SSCI一区、TOP期刊、排序2/2、通信作者。

[22]徐斌. 中国工业能源效率影响因素研究:基于面板平滑转换回归模型[J]. 上海商学院学报, 2019, 20(5):23-39. 排序1/2。


[23]李江龙、徐斌.“诅咒”还是“福音”:资源丰裕程度如何影响中国绿色经济增长?[J]. 经济研究, 2018, (9):151-167. (通信作者),中文A刊。

[24]Xu Bin (徐斌). Do we really understand the development of China's new energy industry? Energy economics, 2018, 74:733-745. SSCI一区、TOP期刊、排序1/2,。

[25]Xu Bin (徐斌). Assessing the development of China’s new energy industry. Energy economics, 2018, 70:116-131. SSCI一区、TOP期刊、ESI高被引论文、排序1/2。

[26]Xu Bin (徐斌). How to promote the growth of new energy industry at different stages? Energy Policy, 2018, 118:390-403. SCI/SSCI一区、TOP期刊、排序2/2、通信作者。

[27]Xu Bin (徐斌). What cause large regional differences in PM2.5 pollutions in China? Evidence from quantile regression model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 174:447-461. SCI一区、TOP期刊、ESI高被引论文、排序1/2。

[28]Xu Bin (徐斌). Growth of industrial CO2 emissions in Shanghai city: Evidence from a dynamic vector autoregression analysis. Energy, 2018, 151:167- 177. SCI一区、TOP期刊、排序1/2。

[29]Xu Bin (徐斌). Investigating the differences in CO2 emissions in the transport sector across Chinese provinces: Evidence from a quantile regression model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 175:109-122. SCI一区、TOP期刊、排序1/2。

[30]Xu Bin (徐斌). Factors affecting CO2 emissions in China’s agriculture sector: A quantile regression. Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 2018, 94:15-27. SCI一区、TOP期刊、排序2/2、通信作者。

[31]Xu Bin (徐斌). Investigating the role of high-tech industry in reducing China’s CO2 emissions: A regional perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 177: 169-177. SCI一区、TOP期刊、排序1/2。


[32]Xu Bin (徐斌). Factors affecting CO2 emissions in China’s agriculture sector: Evidence from geographically weighted regression model. Energy Policy, 2017, 104:404-414. SCI/SSCI一区、TOP期刊、ESI高被引论文、排序1/2。

[33]Xu Bin (徐斌). Assessing CO2 emissions in China's iron and steel industry: Evidence from quantile regression approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 152:259-270. SCI二区、排序3/3、通信作者。

[34]Xu Bin (徐斌). Assessing CO2 emissions in China's iron and steel industry: A nonparametric additive regression approach. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2017, 72: 325-337. SCI一区、TOP期刊、排序1/2。

[35]Xu Bin (徐斌). Which provinces should pay more attention to CO2 emissions? Using the quantile regression to investigate China's manufacturing industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 164:980-993. SCI二区、排序2/2、通信作者。

[36]Xu Bin (徐斌). Does the high–tech industry consistently reduce CO2 emissions? Results from nonparametric additive regression model. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2017, 63:44-58. SSCI一区、排序1/2。

[37]Xu Bin (徐斌). What cause a surge in China's CO2 emissions? A dynamic vector autoregression analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 143:17-26. SCI二区、排序1/2。

[38]Xu Bin (徐斌). Geographical analysis of CO2 emissions in China's manufacturing industry: A geographically weighted regression model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 166:628-640. SCI二区、排序1/2。


[39]Xu Bin (徐斌). Differences in regional emissions in China's transport sector: Determinants and reduction strategies. Energy, 2016, 95:459-470. SCI一区、TOP期刊、排序1/2。

[40]Xu Bin (徐斌). Reducing CO2 emissions in China's manufacturing industry: Evidence from nonparametric additive regression models. Energy, 2016, 101:161-173. SCI一区、TOP期刊、排序1/2。

[41]Xu Bin (徐斌). A dynamic analysis of air pollution emissions in China: Evidence from nonparametric additive regression models. Ecological Indicators, 2016, 63:346-358. SCI二区、排序1/3。

[42]Xu Bin (徐斌). Reducing carbon dioxide emissions in China's manufacturing industry: a dynamic vector autoregression approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 131(9):594-606. SCI二区、排序1/2。

[43]Xu Bin (徐斌). Regional differences in the CO2 emissions of China's iron and steel industry: Regional heterogeneity. Energy Policy, 2016, 88: 422-434. SCI/ SSCI一区、TOP期刊、ESI高被引论文、排序1/2。

[44]Xu Bin (徐斌). A quantile regression analysis of China's provincial CO2 emissions: Where does the difference lie? Energy Policy, 2016, 98:328-342. SCI/ SSCI一区、TOP期刊、排序1/2。

[45]Xu Bin (徐斌). Assessing CO2 emissions in China’s iron and steel industry: a dynamic vector autoregression model. Applied Energy, 2016, 161:375- 386. SCI一区、TOP期刊、ESI高被引论文、排序1/2。

[46]Xu Bin (徐斌). Regional differences of pollution emissions in China: contributing factors and mitigation strategies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 112:1454- 1463. SCI二区、ESI高被引论文、排序1/2。


[47]Xu Bin (徐斌). How industrialization and urbanization process impact on CO2 emissions in China: evidence from nonparametric additive regression models. Energy Economics, 2015, 48: 188-202. SSCI一区、ESI高被引论文、排序1/2, 国际B类期刊。

[48]Xu Bin (徐斌). Carbon dioxide emissions reduction in China's transport sector: A dynamic VAR (vector autoregression) approach. Energy, 2015, 83:486-495. SCI一区、TOP期刊、ESI高被引论文、排序1/2。

[49]Xu Bin (徐斌). Factors affecting carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in China's transport sector: a dynamic nonparametric additive regression model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015, 101: 311-322. SCI二区、ESI高被引论文、排序1/2。

[50]徐斌,陈建宝.财政支农支出、经济增长、收入差距与区域农村居民消费——基于非参数可加模型的实证研究[J].数理统计与管理,2015, 34(5):769-783. CSSCI收录、排序1/2。

[51]夏杰长, 徐斌. 农村居民消费对经济增长的非线性冲击——基于STR模型的研究[J]. 黑龙江社会科学, 2015, (1):60-68。


[52]李仪, 徐斌. 收入来源与农村居民消费结构——基于ELES模型的实证研究[J]. 河南社会科学, 2014, 22(7):107-110.

[53]夏杰长, 徐斌. 人力资本与经济增长——基于非线性STR模型的实证研究[J].首都经济贸易大学学报, 2014, 16(2):5-13.

[54]徐斌, 夏杰长. 地下经济与正规经济关系的再检验[J]. 广东财经大学学报, 2014, 29(1):4-11+21.

[55]Xu Bin (徐斌). An empirical analysis on the factors influencing the development of real estate market in Jiangxi Province. Knowledge Acquisition and Modeling. IEEE. (EI收录), 独著。


[1]国家自然基金面上项目:中国新能源产业的空间集聚、扩散及其外部性:理论机制及实证分析(编号:71974085), 2020.01-2023.12, 经费:47.5万元,主持。

[2]国家社科基金一般项目:中国区域PM2.5污染的空间分布差异、影响因素及溢出效应研究(编号:15BTJ022), 2015.01-2017.12, 经费:20.0万元,主持。

[3]中央高校基本科研项目:中国分布式能源发展空间布局演变及其二氧化碳减排贡献研究, (编号:20720221050), 2020.01-2024.12, 经费:10万, 主持, 在研。

[4]省自然基金项目:江西制造工业碳排放增长驱动因素和减排路径选择:基于非线性计量方法的实证研究(编号:20171BAA208017), 2017.01-2019.12, 经费:6.0万元,主持。

[5]省自然基金项目:江西雾霾污染区域异质性、驱动因素及空间溢出效应研究:基于非参数空间计量模型(编号: 20181BAB201011), 2018.01-2019.12, 经费:6.0万元,主持。

[6]省自然基金项目:江西工业化进程中碳排放增长的影响因素和减排策略——基于非线性模型和非参数方法的实证研究(编号: 20142BAB201014), 2014.01- 2015.12, 经费:6.0万元,主持。

[7]省软科学项目:江西碳排放空间分布差异、驱动因素及溢出效应研究(编号: 20161BBA10042), 2016.01-2017.12, 经费:5.0万元,主持。

[8]省软科学项目:江西城市化进程中碳排放增长的驱动因素和减排潜力——基于非线性计量的理论和应用研究(编号: 20151BBA10037), 2015.01-2016.12, 经费:5.0万元, 主持。

[9]省教育厅科技项目:江西雾霾污染区域差异、影响因素及减排策略研究(编号: GJJ160441), 2016.01-2017.12, 经费:3.0万元,主持。

[10]省教育厅科技项目:江西工业化进程中的碳排放增长驱动因素和减排策略研究(编号: GJJ14324), 2015.01-2016.12, 经费:3.0万元,主持。

    [11]省教育厅人文社科项目:江西新能源产业发展区域差异和影响因素:基于非线性计量的理论和应用研究(编号:TJ161001), 2016.01-2017.12, 经费:1.5万元,主持。